Coho broodstock collection underway at Hoy Creek Hatchery

An unmarked coho male (HSWS Photo)

After reaching our quota for chum salmon eggs which are now incubating at Hoy Creek Hatchery, the volunteer team has switched to coho broodstock collection.

On Saturday, Nov. 7 the crew headed up to seine the fish trap pool which is located below the fire hall. On the way up they performed a trail clean.

Eight coho were transported back to the hatchery and placed in the Capilano trough where they will ripen for egg take.

Four of the catch were unmarked males and the other four were hatchery marked females.

NOTE: With current BC Health orders in place, hatchery management has suspended all group activity at this time.

Youth volunteers seining for coho salmon broodstock in Hoy Creek with hatchery manager, Tyler Storgaard. (HSWS Photo)

A hatchery marked (no adipose fin) female coho. (HSWS Photo)