With help from Department of Fisheries Canada (DFO), the City of Coquitlam, Coquitlam Optimists, and volunteers the old trout rearing facility on the Frederick Brewer property was restored in 1995, and coho from the Port Coquitlam Hunting and Fishing Club hatchery were placed in it on July 1995. A metal dumpster was used to store the equipment needed until the hatchery building was completed in 1997.
In 2002 the Hoy-Scott Watershed Society was formed and registered with an expanded mandate to promote watershed restoration and help raise awareness of our shared responsibility for the care of the creek and its surrounding habitat. Founding members who signed the Society document were: Keith Kozak, Linda Gorsline, Chris Hamming, Andrea Tubbs, and Shawn Tubbs.
Initially the goal was to help rebuild a population of coho in Hoy Creek. Now that coho are consistently coming back in encouraging numbers, HSWS is focused on supporting and maintaining returns, as well as carrying out other activities that keep the environment of the creek healthy. In 2015 our salmon enhancement program was expanded to include chum salmon.
In 2020 the Society transferred all records and photographs to the City’s Archives.