Hoy-Scott Watershed Society: hoyscottwatershed@gmail.com or call HSWS communications director, Robbin Whachell at 778-874-7889.

Attend our Monthly Meetings which are open to the public.   The Hoy-Scott Watershed Society meets the 3rd Wednesday of every month (except  July and August). See our Calendar for more information.


Silt in Hoy Creek concerned citizens in August 2015. Calls were made and the City and HSWS society members investigated. The assumed cause was a construction site upstream that may have dumped into a storm drain. Luckily fish were unharmed and the creek was clear by the next morning.

City of Coquitlam 24-hour emergency line: 604-927-3500.  Email images to epw@coquitlam.ca and provide time, date and location details.

  • To report a salmon fishing violation, or violation involving a species at risk-listed fish, an incident that may cause” serious harm” to fish/destruction of fish habitat, or the illegal sale of fish, please call Fisheries and Oceans – Observe, Record Report (ORR) Line: 1-800-465-4336

  • To report a spill or water quality concern, please call the Provincial Emergency Program (PEP) at: 1-800-663-3456. Also contact the City of Coquitlam and provide the DGIR number.

  • To report a non-salmon fishing violation, a sighting of Aquatic Invasive Species, wildlife-related concerns, pollution, dumping or off-road vehicle-related matters, please call the RAPP (Report All Poachers and Polluters) Line:
    Call 1-877-952-7277 (RAPP) or #7277 on the TELUS Mobility Network. If the situation is not an emergency, report the incident online or contact the nearest Conservation Officer Service district office. Please see this website for Reporting invasive species - Province of British Columbia.

  • For fisheries violations related to salmon, contact Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) at 1-800-465-4336.

  • To report vandalism or mischief, contact the Coquitlam RCMP at 604-945-1550.

Concerns about wildlife accessing attractants on your property, such as bears please contact the City of Coquitlam by reaching out to Bylaw Services at bylawenforcement@coquitlam.ca or call 604-927-3580. More info here.