Hoy/Scott Watershed Society

Break-in at Hoy Creek Hatchery

Notice to Area Residents: Break-in at Hoy Creek Hatchery

We regret to inform the community that a break-in occurred at Hoy Creek Hatchery, discovered the morning of January 13th by one of our dedicated feeders. The incident has left us puzzled, as the items removed were primarily related to fisheries education or hatchery operations.

We kindly ask for your assistance in keeping an eye out for anything unusual. If you noticed anything suspicious or if you notice any discarded items or suspicious activity along the trails or around city center, please report it to the Coquitlam RCMP.

How to Help:

  • Report any findings to the Coquitlam RCMP non-emergency/information line at 604-945-1550.

  • Reference File No.: Coquitlam 25-977 when making your report.

Your vigilance is vital in helping us recover these materials and ensuring the safety and integrity of our hatchery operations. Thank you for your continued support.

— The Hoy/Scott Watershed Society

Atmospheric River Helps Salmon Come Home

Youth volunteers introduce our Coho fry to the public in front of the rearing pond at Salmon Come Home on Oct. 27 (HSWS Photo)

The positive impact of recent rainfalls provided the necessary flows for salmon to reach their spawning grounds throughout the watershed. The Salmon Come Home event on October 27 was a wonderful celebration of this remarkable species, bringing together our team, community, and sponsors to honour their incredible journey.

As we rejoice in their return, it’s crucial to recognize the challenges they face. Human and pet traffic through creek beds can disturb sensitive spawning areas, and pollution events pose significant threats to their survival. Additionally, erosion from heavy storms can release fine sediments that suffocate eggs (redds).

Let’s continue to protect these vital habitats and ensure that our salmon have a safe journey home. Thank you for your support!

Maple Creek Streamkeepers and the salmon dissection table kept so many residents engaged and educated. (HSWS Photo)

What an amazing day at the festival! So many Coquitlam residents joined Hoy/Scott Watershed Society and the City of Coquitlam to celebrate the incredible journey of the salmon. A huge shoutout to our volunteers, and our sponsors, Qualex-Landmark and FortisBC, continued support from Fisheries & Oceans Canada, Fish & Wildlife Compensation Program; and all the community groups who shared their knowledge and passion for nature.

We were truly blessed to witness so many salmon in the stream—an inspiring reminder of the resilience of nature. Together, we can continue to protect and appreciate these beautiful creatures.

Check out our photos and relive the magic! ps. We are grateful by the media visit from CityNews TV.

Etienne Siew, a former hatchery volunteer serenaded us throughout the festival. (HSWS Photo)

Hoy Creek Hatchery manager, Tyler Storgaard holds a live Chum salmon to show the public during the DFO Salmon Talks.

Salmon Talk Comes to Seniors at Parkwood Manor

Robbin and Anne are both board members and volunteers of Hoy/Scott Watershed Society.

On November 1, Hoy/Scott Watershed Society (HSWS) volunteers, Robbin Whachell and Anne Woosnam, brought the wonders of the local ecosystem to Parkwood Manor in Coquitlam. Engaging residents who live adjacent to Hoy Creek, the duo led a lively and informative discussion about the life cycle of salmon, the significance of their presence in the watershed, and how they contribute to the health of the local environment.

Residents of Parkwood Manor, many of whom regularly stroll along Hoy Trail and cherish the tranquil scenes of the stream, enthusiastically participated, asking insightful questions and sharing their observations. The talk not only deepened their understanding of the natural world surrounding them but also highlighted the close connection between the community and the watershed.

HSWS extends its sincere thanks to the management of Parkwood Manor for facilitating this enriching 1-hour session. We are thrilled to have already received an invitation to return next year and look forward to fostering this connection once again.

Through stewardship, community outreach, education, and advocacy, we are dedicated to protecting the Hoy/Scott Watershed, and it is opportunities like these that help strengthen our mission.

Anne answers questions after the talk.

Society Conducting Annual Spawner Salmon Survey

An example of what you could see in the section where the salmon survey is taking place. Dead fish are cut so as to not count them the next time we pass the same area. (HSWS photo)

Should you see salmon in Hoy Creek or Scott Creek that have been cut in half, or have the tail or head cut off, that means those salmon have been marked for our annual Salmon Spawner Survey.

We count live and dead fish weekly in a designated stretch of the stream. The dead salmon are cut so as to not double-count the dead fish the next week. This helps get an absolute count of salmon that have spawned in a particular area of a stream.

Spawner surveys are a basic form of stock assessment where the data can be used to gauge the health of salmon returns. In short, we walk the creek and count live and dead salmon (by species) to get a sense of the number of returning fish. Data is submitted to the Streamkeeper’s database as well as to Fisheries & Oceans Canada.

Each week, results are recorded.

Questions? Email us at hoyscottcreeks@gmail.com

Poaching Reported in Hoy Creek

Poaching is NOT okay! We received a report on Oct. 24 from a Coquitlam resident, of an account of poaching in Hoy Creek.

City Bylaws is investigating.

It's ILLEGAL to fish in local streams, which also includes the removal of carcasses (dead fish). Dead or alive, it is illegal to take fish. If you want to fish, you must have a license to fish, and you must know where it's okay to fish.

If you see people fishing at local streams in any way – with a line, net, or anything else, please contact "Report All Poachers and Polluters" (RAPP) and fill out this form.

Or fisheries violations, contact Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) at 1-800-465-4336. You can also contact your local RCMP detachment or municipal police.

Hoy/Scott Watershed Society has information on our Contact Page.

Photo sent in by a resident on Oct. 24, 2024.

Tips for Spotting Salmon in Local Streams

Can you spot the salmon? (Photo: HSWS)

Nature has its own timing…

Each year there is an increase in the number of phone calls and emails the Hoy/Scott Watershed Society (HSWS) receives about the salmon return.

We’re often asked, “Can you tell me what day the salmon are returning?” or “Is there a less busy time to see the salmon?” or “I went to look in the creek but could not see any salmon. What is the best day to come?”

Rain is the most important ingredient. Once the rains return, the salmon follow.

While we know that chum salmon generally return in early October after the first heavy rains, there is no set date, and it fluctuates year to year. Our usual response to this question is to check our website or social media pages.

The good news is, chum and coho salmon have been spotted in Hoy Creek since Oct. 14, 2024.

Wait for the rain to subside and the water levels to lower to spot salmon. Heavy rain results in fast and high-moving water making it difficult to see the salmon.

Hoy and Scott creeks run through urban. private and public lands. You can view salmon any time you like from public areas like the Hoy Creek Linear Park, or beside Guildford Way or off Lansdowne Drive for Scott Creek.

A chum salmon in low creek water on a dry day may not be seen on a heavy rain day when water is rushing and the level is higher. (Photo: HSWS)

Tips for when and how to view:

  • Check first. It’s best to go once you’ve heard that the salmon have returned and have been spotted in the creeks (check our website or social media channels: Instagram or Facebook page).

  • After a rain, or on a clearer weather day. When the rains subside, creek depths lower, and this allows for the water to be quieter and more clear to see through.

  • Listen! You may often hear a salmon before spotting it. They move over shallow waters, or up over rocks or logs by flashing their tails making a splashing sound.

  • Look carefully. Salmon, in particular chum salmon, have similar colours to the rocks or stones in the stream and are therefore naturally camouflaged. Coho are even better at hiding than the chum. If you are expecting to see bright red salmon, you’ve come to the wrong creeks.

  • Sunglasses may help. Fishermen often wear polarized sunglasses to better spot fish in the water.

  • Resting places. Salmon have an arduous journey upstream. They can often be spotted under bridges or hanging branches or fallen logs to build up strength for their next climb.

  • Patience! Salmon may be right where you are looking, but they can be very hard to spot. Take lots of time. It’s often best to stay in one spot for some time to observe before moving further up or down the creek to try another area.

  • Don’t be discouraged. Salmon may not be out every day in the exact spot you are standing during the time you are there. The creeks are long. Try to come another day. When you finally do spot a salmon, you’ll be glad you did! 

Location via Google maps.  The Hoy Creek Hatchery is located on Hoy Creek Trail, west of the City Centre Aquatic Complex at the corner of Pinetree and Guildford Way. Simply Google "Hoy Creek Hatchery" to locate.

Hoy Trail has several entrances:

- Walk-in from Princess Cres. west of City Centre Aquatics Complex
and Lafarge-Lake Douglas Station;
- Walk-in from behind Douglas College and head south;
- Walk-in from Guildford Way (between Johnson and Pinetree) and head north;
- Walk-in from Walton Avenue, or behind Walton Elementary and head south;
- Walk-in from the foot of Lasalle Place and head northeast.

Salmon of Hoy and Scott Creeks:

Chum salmon begin to arrive in early to mid-October through to early November.  Generally, the peak of the run is around the 3rd week of October. They have dark red and black stripes.

Coho salmon arrive in late October through to late December.  Typically, the peak of the run is the 2nd or 3rd week of November.  There are very few fish around into December but there has been the occasional year with good numbers of fish in the stream through to mid or late December.

During odd-numbered years (e.g. 2021), Pink salmon may be found in Hoy and Scott creeks from September to early October.  They are not typically found in large numbers.

Although they don't favor smaller streams like Hoy Creek and Scott Creek, occasionally, Chinook salmon from the Coquitlam River find their way into the creeks.  This may happen under heavy rainfall conditions when the water levels in our streams and rivers are high.  The occasional fish find the current in the creek attractive and detour away from the heavier flows in the Coquitlam River.

Learn more about the lifecycle of the salmon.

Enjoy your salmon spotting!

"The salmon runs are a visible symbol of life, death and regeneration, plain for all to see and share ... The salmon are a test of a healthy environment, a lesson in environmental needs. Their abundant presence on the spawning beds is a lesson of hope, of deep importance for the future of man."
-- Haig-Brown, 1974 (The Salmon)

2024 AGM and Elections Held

Kyle Uno, President delivers a Year in Review at our AGM on Sept. 25 at the Poirier Branch of the Coquitlam Library.

The Hoy-Scott Watershed Society held an annual general meeting on Sept. 25, 2024, at the Coquitlam library and voted in the following vice president, secretary and new directors:

  • Vice President – Tyler Storgaard (second term, hatchery manager)

  • Secretary – Robbin Whachell (past director, past president)

  • Director (past secretary, assistant hatchery manager)

  • Director - Kim Mayes (reappointment)

  • Director - Matthew Watts (reappointment)

  • Director - Annie Kim

The above mentioned join the existing executive:

President - Kyle Uno

Treasurer - Sandra Uno

Through stewardship, community outreach, education and advocacy, we are dedicated to protecting the Hoy/Scott Watershed.

Hoy-Scott Watershed Society, (HSWS) is a not-for-profit, volunteer-run environmental stewardship group, that conducts a year-round salmon enhancement program in partnership with the City of Coquitlam, and the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada.

President Kyle Uno (right) speaks at AGM on Sept. 25. The meeting was hybrid for society members.

Annual Stream Clean Held North of Barnet Highway

The clean-up crew!

On August 25, volunteers from the Hoy/Scott Watershed Society gathered for our annual stream clean-up along Hoy and Scott Creeks. With gloves on and trash bags in hand, members worked north of Barnet Highway.

This year, our volunteers pulled an unexpected array of items from the creeks. From an e-scooter to bedding, clothes, and even a crock pot, we unearthed a surprising mix of discarded goods. Among the findings were also empties, drug paraphernalia, a computer monitor, a headboard, a toy Nerf gun, a skateboard, and a bright red shopping buggy. The eclectic assortment of trash served as a stark reminder of the importance of our work in maintaining these vital waterways.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to all the volunteers who dedicated their time and energy to this effort: Natesh, Rahm, Kyle, Cameron, Robert, Barry, Suzz, Matt, Anne, Kyle, and Sandra.

This clean-up is more than just a day of collecting trash; it's a powerful act of stewardship, a reflection of our community's dedication to maintaining the health of our local ecosystems. The Hoy/Scott Watershed Society remains committed to safeguarding these habitats for the salmon, birds, and diverse wildlife that depend on them. As we look to the future, we encourage everyone to find new ways to support our beautiful watershed.

Together, we can keep Hoy and Scott Creeks clean, healthy, and thriving for generations to come.

2023/24 Surplus Coho Salmon Released

HSWS volunteer, Matt, carries a bucket of Coho fry to release in a nearby stream.

Hoy/Scott Watershed Society's annual aquaculture license with federal fisheries allows us to incubate up to 18,500 eggs but only release 5,000 1-year-old Coho smolts each year.

After a prolonged warm dry period in July, consistent rains with cooler temperatures provided the perfect opportunity on July 30 for us to release our fed coho fry to Hoy and Scott Creeks. We use an insulated tub with supplied oxygen for transporting our fish, and with the help of volunteers, the fish are weighed out and bucketed to each location.

In total ~6,700 Coho were release to various sites in the watershed where optimum conditions provide the ability for rearing. These fish were from our 2023/24 brood year and will head to the ocean in spring 2025.

Huge thanks to all our volunteers who continue to support our efforts for healthier watersheds and healthy salmon!

HSWS Membership Renewal Notice

Dear Hoy/Scott Watershed Society Members,

In 2023 we resolved to change our membership year to coincide with our active time and synchronize to our insurance cycle. 

Our updated bylaws state, "Memberships are valid from September 1st through August 31st. New members who apply and pay their membership fee after May 1st of a given year will hold valid membership through August 31st of the following year."

  1. If you joined us after May 1 of 2024, your membership is valid until August 31, 2025. No payment required until next year at this time. 

  2. If you joined us prior to May 1 of 2024, membership renewal is required. 
    Students are $5; Individuals $15; and Families $25

  3. Payments received now through Sept. 1 will cover you until August 31, 2025. 

  4. Please remit payment via our website PayPal system, HERE. Click this yellow Donate button on our website

Benefits of membership:

  1. You are covered under our insurance and therefore can perform volunteer work with us.

  2. You receive weekly updates from our hatchery manager about upcoming work and opportunities.

  3. You can vote at our meetings.

  4. You support our efforts!

Are you a NEW Member? Or, returning after some time?

If you would like to join us for the first time, it’s important that you complete our registration form and then submit your payment.

Have you let your membership lapse and wish to return? Great! Please complete the registration form and then submit your payment.

Questions about membership? Email us at hoyscottwatershed@gmail.com

Through stewardship, community outreach, education and advocacy, we are dedicated to protecting the
Hoy/Scott Watershed.