Left to right: Steven, Maiya, and Maya
On July 25, our society recognized the efforts of five of our student volunteers who have been assisting with us for quite some time, one since she was eight years old!
The celebration, organized by Hoy/Scott Watershed Society director, Lani Lehun took place in front of the hatchery and a handful of other HSWS members came out to salute the following before they start their education in college or university this fall:
Maya Uno
Steven Wang
Leo Li
Maiya Callister
Calvin Sui
Only three of the students were able to attend as some had already moved away.
What started for most as a way to earn volunteer credit hours at school, has turned into an interest in caring for the environment.
Hatchery manger and HSWS director, Rodney Lee provides comments to the students as HSWS vice president, Tyler Storgaard looks on.
Hatchery manager, Rodney Lee provided the following comments, “Congratulation on high school graduation. It’s a big step to get to this point. But it’s really only the beginning of better things to come.”
“This past season didn’t go fully as expected. I was looking forward to collectively celebrating your graduation and achievements. We came up 3 months short. I will however remember experiences with each one of you that makes me smile or gives me a laugh. Like the work you did at the kid's crafts at our festival, pulling the tangled net through the pool, seeing you handle (or try to handle) adult salmon. “
“You counted bugs, dissected fish carcasses, counted fish, and pulled invasives. These were all good things. As you move on in your lives, I’ll leave you with one thought – as a young adult you may be eager to get to the next thing but as you continue on life’s journey, take a moment to reflect. Enjoy each moment as it occurs. Don’t take anything for granted. Savour each day as it comes because tomorrow can end up being very different from today.“
“It has been my privilege to work with each one of you. I wish you all the success with your future work and studies. And you will always be welcomed out on a Saturday morning!”
The Society would like to thank the Department of Fisheries & Oceans Canada for providing merchandise to present with the certificates.
Volunteer grad ceremony on July 25 at Hoy Creek Hatchery.
See more photos on our Facebook page .
Students interested in volunteering with the society can sign up to volunteer HERE. Saturday work sessions will hopefully recommence in late September.