Seen left to right: Anne Woosnam, HSWS Asst. Hatchery Manager; Berta Briggs, CiB Judge; Larry Hall, CiB Judge; and Caresse Selk, Environment Manager, City of Coquitlam.
On July 21 the judges from the Communities in Bloom (CiB) - Collectivités en fleurs competition came by to tour the Hoy Creek Hatchery. They were accompanied by representatives of the City of Coquitlam which is a competitor in the annual competition that "inspires all communities to enhance the quality of life and our environment through people and plants in order to create community pride." The CiB theme for 2022 is "Growing Great Places Together."
Assistant hatchery manager, Anne Woosnam led the tour for the Hoy/Scott Watershed Society.
"Communities in Bloom - Collectivités en fleurs is about greening through environmental, natural heritage conservation and horticultural actions that involve citizens, businesses, institutions, and municipalities. The program is focused on environmental stewardship through enhancement of green spaces."
On July 21 and 22, CiB judges, Berta Briggs and Larry Hall spent busy days visiting City parks and locations and the salmon hatchery is one of the key places in the city that exemplify their ethos.