HSWS volunteer, Matt, carries a bucket of Coho fry to release in a nearby stream.
Hoy/Scott Watershed Society's annual aquaculture license with federal fisheries allows us to incubate up to 18,500 eggs but only release 5,000 1-year-old Coho smolts each year.
After a prolonged warm dry period in July, consistent rains with cooler temperatures provided the perfect opportunity on July 30 for us to release our fed coho fry to Hoy and Scott Creeks. We use an insulated tub with supplied oxygen for transporting our fish, and with the help of volunteers, the fish are weighed out and bucketed to each location.
In total ~6,700 Coho were release to various sites in the watershed where optimum conditions provide the ability for rearing. These fish were from our 2023/24 brood year and will head to the ocean in spring 2025.
Huge thanks to all our volunteers who continue to support our efforts for healthier watersheds and healthy salmon!