Rearing Pond Invertebrate Salvage

Mucky business, but good fun making discoveries!

Hoy/Scott Watershed Society conducted the annual rearing pond salvage on May 31.

Coho smolts were released on May 14. The water drained from the pond leaves lots of discoveries for invertebrates and crustaceans like crayfish, stoneflies and lamprey for discovery. We found crayfish, juvenile lamprey, coho fry, and caddis fly. All were released into the stream.

Thanks to our volunteers who helped out. Interesting was the shared relevant knowledge and experiences related to the activity expressed by participants!

Floorboards over the pond were first removed. After the salvage, the City of Coquitlam arranges for the pond mud and sediment to be removed via McCrae's Environmental Services (a vacuum truck), and then the pond will be pressure washed by the Society, floorboards returned, and then the creek water is reintroduced.

A very large crayfish! It was returned to Hoy Creek.

Later this month, the rearing pond will then be ready for the next coho brood to be transferred from the hatchery to live there until May 2024.