Emily Lonie, Archivist in the office at Hoy Creek Hatchery (Photo: HSWS)
On Jan. 31, City of Coquitlam archivist, Emily Lonie visited Hoy Creek Hatchery to give guidance on how the Hoy/Scott Watershed Society can protect the documents they have crammed into their little office within the Hoy Creek Hatchery.
“We’re really busting at the seams,” said society president, Robbin Whachell. “Every inch of space is of value in our small building and we want to ensure our documents are protected now that we’ve long since moved to a digital way of record-keeping.”
Information deemed historic about the society, the hatchery building and rearing pond, which sits on the former Frederick Brewer property, will be boxed up and transferred to the city archives for preservation and future reference.
Lonie advised that documents such as society reports, agendas, photographs and drawings are all important to preserve the history of the land and the environmental stewardship group.
“We’re excited to make space, but even more excited that the public will have access to information that may have only been collecting dust in the hatchery,” said Whachell.
The hatchery construction started in 1995 and was completed in 1997, and is located in Hoy Creek Linear Park, west of the City Centre Aquatic Complex and north of Guildford Way in Coquitlam, B.C.
Read more about our HISTORY here.
UPDATE: Our hardcopy records transfer was completed on April 2, 2020.