Lafarge Canada

Hoy Creek Habitat Restoration Project

Society wide angle photo of Hoy Creek looking from west to east.

Thanks to a grant from Pacific Salmon Foundation and the support of Lafarge Canada the Hoy Creek Habitat Restoration Project took place between June 26 and July 5. It was coordinated by Fisheries and Oceans Canada and Hoy/Scott Watershed Society.

The project’s goal is to provide ability to better manage water flows, restoring natural habitat and increasing security against pollution events.

Project elements:

Hoy Creek Hatchery manager, and vice president of Hoy/Scott Watershed Society reviewed time lapse footage of the work.

  • Tree removals for outlet improvements;

  • Removal of failing concrete outlet structure;

  • Resurfacing of aging rearing pond and replacement of failed flow control valve;

  • Construct a naturalized outlet channel, including stabilize the streambank to support spawning and

  • Increase rearing and broodstock capabilities with a secondary circular tub to mitigate effects of extended drought periods by allowing multipe species to be held (Chum, Coho).

During the work, the trail was closed for pedestrian safety and marked with signage. Thank you to the City of Coquitlam for support!

Society volunteer reviewing the work.