Looking south: Work being done along Hoy Creek after the Evergreen Line pillars were put in place
(Photo: Robbin Whachell)
Members of Hoy-Scott Watershed Society visited Hoy Creek just south of the Barnet Highway in early August to view work being done with the fish habitat affected by the Evergreen Line (TransLink) set to begin operations in Coquitlam in 2016. This area, just north of the CN train tracks is where Hoy Creek merges into Scott Creek, a site that lies adjacent to a busy commercial and industrial zone.
The Evergreen Line project was obligated to replace the fish habitat that was lost during construction. HSWS members were able to view the compensation work (still in progress) for impact to Scott Creek further upstream as it turns north, an area that has Evergreen line pillars installed, which impacted the stream. This compensation site on Hoy Creek just above the confluence with Scott was made possible as the Province had purchased the adjacent land to the east with the intent of constructing a 'Park and Ride' space for the transit line.
Looking west long the Evergreen Line above Scott Creek(Photo: Robbin Whachell)
In its present state, the 100m stretch of stream is a narrow 'chute' that is armoured with much rip rap rock (large pieces of rock that are immovable by the stream under high water flows) which will help prevent erosion of the adjacent bank. In its current state it lacks natural features such as pools, and woody debris which also create habitat for fish to hold in - either as resting spots for returning adult salmon during their upstream migration, or as rearing areas where juvenile salmon and trout can inhabit.
The compensation work will create two pools, widen the channel, add large woody debris and streamside native plants to help provide a canopy over the stream, producing shade to keep lower water temperatures in the warm summer months.
As of August 28th, the work has been completed.
(See more photos taken along that area on our Facebook album)
Looking south-east: Hoy Creek (left) converges with Scott Creek (right) - Photo: Robbin Whachell